She believes all relationships are transactional and the only thing that matters is looking after yourself above all else. The Cynic: Frey's difficult life and upbringing brought her a bleak outlook in life.As of the ending, she's mostly grown out of this. Classical Anti-Hero: While Frey has a strong sense of morality and is a genuine hero to the people of Athia, her attitude and motivations are generally selfish at first, and she makes it clear that she'd rather be back at home multiple times.Brutal Honesty: Frey sometimes doesn't mince her words and prefers to get to the point.Brooklyn Rage: Originally from New York City, takes no guff from anyone, and a major magic-slinging badass.Braids of Action: Once Frey receives her magic powers and starts wearing Athian garb, she changes her hair into an updo style with braids on the side of her head.A Birthday, Not a Break: Frey ends up transported to Athia on the night of her twenty-first birthday after trying to steal Cuff.Which is understandable given her trust issues and being abandoned a lot in her life.

Better with Non-Human Company: On Earth and after arriving in Athia, Frey is shown to be much more open and friendlier to animals compared to human characters she interacts with.She gets her wish after being transported to Athia, which makes New York look like a walk in the park. Be Careful What You Wish For: Frey's goal in the beginning of the game involves her raising enough money to leave New York with her cat Homer, somewhere with "clean air, bright skies," etc.Being a powerful sorceress, the cloaks also help emphasize her sense of moment as she traverses the land. Badass Cape: Frey wears a variety of cloaks during her adventures in Athia.Frey: "I am Tanta Frey! Daughter of Cinta and protector of Athia! And I'm here to fuck you up!